Hi, all
I have a question about link between new depriciation engine and chart of depriciation.
My client want to use US chart of depriciation as standard chart of depriciation becuase it has already standard setting like IAS deprication keys.
it means I have to create Japanese chart of depriciation by copying from US chart of depriciation(non-japanese sample(0JP))
I have a little doubt about it. In my previous project, I copyed chart of depriciation by copy from Japan sample Chart of depriciation(0JP) stored in SAP.
Is it possible to copy from non-japan sample charg of depriciation to using Japanese new depriciation engine? I worried some errors will occrues if I do not use sample chart of depriciation(0JP) .
If I need to use sample Japanese chart of depriciation, please give me the idea why I need to use Japanese sample chart of depriciation. I want to know the examples of non-Japanese asset accouting consultants who have working experience in the area.
Thank you.