Try this query except Purchase request. I don't have table to link:
SELECT T1.DocEntry as 'Link', T1.[DocNum] as 'PO No.', T1.[DocDate] as 'PO Date', T1.DocStatus as ' PO Status', T1.[CardName] as 'Customer Name',
T0.[Dscription] as 'Part Name', T0.[Quantity] as 'PO Qty',T0.[Price] as 'Purchase Price', T0.[OpenQty], T0.[OpenSum], T3.DocNum as 'GRPO Doc Num', T2.[Quantity] as 'Received Quantity',
T12.DocNum AS 'Return No', T12.DocDate as 'Return Date', T11.Quantity as 'Retuen Qty' ,
T5.DocNum as 'Invoice No', T5.DocDate as 'Invoice Date', T5.DocStatus as 'Invoice Status' , T4.Quantity as 'Invoice Qty', T5.DocTotal,T5.PaidToDate as 'Applied Amt',
T7.DocNum as 'Credit Note No.', T7.DocDate as 'Credit Note date',T6.Quantity as 'Credit Note Qty'
FROM POR1 T0 INNER JOIN OPOR T1 ON T0.DocEntry = T1.DocEntry
left outer join PDN1 T2 on T2.BaseEntry = T0.DocEntry and T2.BaseLine = T0.Linenum
left outer join OPDN T3 on T2.DocEntry = T3.DocEntry
left Outer join PCH1 T4 on T4.BaseEntry = T3.DocEntry and T4.BaseLine = T2.Linenum and T4.BaseType = 20
OR (T4.Basetype=22 and T4.BaseEntry=T0.DocEntry and T4.BaseLine=T0.LineNum)
LEFT outer join RPD1 T11 on T11.BaseEntry = T2.DocEntry and T11.BaseLine = T2.LineNum
LEFT outer join ORPD T12 on T11.DocEntry = T12.DocEntry
left outer join OPCH T5 on T5.DocEntry = T4.DocEntry
left Outer join RPC1 T6 on T6.BaseEntry = T5.DocEntry and T6.BaseLine = T4.Linenum
left outer join ORPC T7 on T6.DocEntry = T7.DocEntry
left outer join OITM T8 on T0.ItemCode = T8.ItemCode
WHERE T1.[DocDate] >=[%0] and T1.[DocDate] <=[%1]
Group by T1.DocEntry, T1.DocNum,T1.DocDate,T1.DocStatus,T1.CardName, T0.[Dscription] , T0.[Quantity] ,T0.[Price], T0.[OpenQty], T0.[OpenSum], T3.DocNum , T2.[Quantity] ,
T5.DocNum , T5.DocDate, T5.DocStatus , T4.Quantity, T5.DocTotal,T5.PaidToDate ,
T7.DocNum , T7.DocDate ,T6.Quantity,T12.DocNum,T12.DocDate,T11.Quantity
Thanks & Regards,