Hi All,
This is the exact requirement in detail. I have attached the image with this which explains my assumed org structure. and I will explain the required business process which I need to configure on SAP.
1. customer order comes to plant 1 (company code 1)
2. SO converts to PO
3. Plant 1 generates the purchase order to plant 2 ( company code 2) this will be a sales order to plant 2
4. plant 2 generates a PO for a vendor based on that SO
5. PO will be sent to vendor
6. Vendor should send good directly to Plant 1 (company code1)
*** I need to maintain a markup for company code 2 for the purchases.
*** Invoice verification should happen in plant 2 (Company code 2)
Please help me in following questions.
1. what should I use for this scenario? (Third party order processing, STO?)
Please explain the scenario step by step
2. How can I maintain the Markup for company code 2?
3. If this should be third party processing/ STO, how returns from plant 1 should be handled? How it should be recorded in Plant 2?