I would create a command (SQL Select statement) to use for data for a dynamic prompt. It might look something like this in Oracle (allows for two full calendar years in the past):
Select distinct
To_Char(OrderDate, 'MMM-YYYY') as MonthYear
from Orders
where EXTRACT(Year from OrderDate) >= (EXTRACT(Year from Sysdate) - 2)
Or like this in SQL Server:
Select distinct
Left(DateName(month, OrderDate), 3) + '-' + DateName(year, OrderDate) as MonthYear
from Orders
where Year(OrderDate) >= (Year(GetDate()) - 2)
DO NOT link the command to anything in the report - its sole purpose is to provide data for a dynamic prompt. Crystal will complain that this is generally not supported, but it will work in this situation.
Now create a dynamic parameter that will use this data - DO NOT use any other data from your report tables! This parameter will identify the start month for the report.
Lastly, you'll need to create a two formulas - one that will calculate the start date from the parameter value and another that will create the end date. If the parameter is called {?StartMonth}, they might look like this:
StringVar monthName := UpperCase(Left({?StartMonth}, 3));
//get the month number
NumberVar mn := Switch (
monthName = 'JAN', 1,
monthName = 'FEB', 2,
monthName = 'DEC', 12);
//get the Year number
NumberVar yr := ToNumber(Right({?StartMonth}, 4));
//return the first day of the start month:
Date(yr, mn, 1)
//Subtract one day from the start of the month 2 months after the start date to get the end of the
//month after the start date
DateAdd('m', 2, {@StartDate}) - 1
Use these formulas in your selection criteria for your report.