Hi Niraj,
Thanks for quick reply.
Please see the attached screen shots for an idea on the Webi Prompts.
In Dashboard, getting Date input using Combo Box.
Tried passing Date got from Combo Box written to Excel (Cell A2), and also using the below given formulas,
Name has two words, so tried "John Stacy", "John+Stacy", "John%Stacy".
I tried %20 with your suggestion, but no luck.
With all the above mentioned, I'm getting the error message (Error: INF) as mentioned earlier.
I just tried with the below mentioned URL, with which I'm not getting error message, but getting webi Prompt window to enter input parameters, and Dashboard variables are not passed automatically,
http://<IP address>:8080/BOE/OpenDocument/opendoc/openDocument.jsp?sIDType=CUID&iDocID=ASmwd9C2hsVCunTppRVU4eQ&sRefresh=Y&lsSDate=6/11/2014&lsCForeman=John%20Stacy