You seem to be on the right track. It is required that you generate the workflow each time MSMP Workflow configuration is transported to an new instance (DEV to QAS to PRD).
You are correct. The transport does NOT generate a new version when you move it to a new instance. You can use transaction GRFNMW_GEN_VERSION from the abap screen to do this. In this way you are not going to the MSMP Configuration screen to have to open that up for change and then generate there. It will NOT require a transport to do this.
Also, It will NOT matter if the current version matches across your instances. For example, you may have version 67 in your GRC DEV box, and you may have version 34 in your GRC QAS instance, and version 23 in your GRC PRD instance.
In regards to activating the Runtime Cnfg Chng OK option, the question you will need to ask is: Should all requests be updated to the latest version of workflow when changes are made. If yes, then you want to check this box in all stages. Personally, in my experience, this is usually activated in my implementations.
Just one more thing you should understand, once you make that change to activate the runtime functionality, only requests that are initiated AFTER that change has been made and the workflow has been generated will be changed. So for example, you maintain your workflow to activate this field and transport it. After the transport is imported to the next instance, you use the transaction to generate a new version in that instance. Any existing WF items that exist would not have that box checked as they are on the previous version now. They would follow the path that they started on and it is not possible to change that. If necessary to get them to the new version, you would need to cancel the current request and then copy that request to a new one. I hope that makes sense.
At times when I have made some significant changes that affect the course of the workflow, you may still run into issues. For example, if you change your EUP settings to begin adding a required field, that change is outside of the course of the workflow generation, and it may cause some issues in existing requests. There is no 'guide' as to when that will happen, so you would just need to understand what changes you are making and consider what the consequences may be for WF items already existing.
Let me know if you have any other queries.
Kevin Tucholke
Principal Consultant
SAP America
Message was edited by: Kevin Tucholke