I am trying to create home grown BAdI .
Using SE18 I created:
Enhancement Spot: Y_EITAN_ENHANCEMENT_SPOT_01 .
Enhancement implementation: Y_ENHANCEMENT_IMP_01
Interface for a BAdI: Y_EITAN_BADI_01_INT
BAdI Definition: Y_EITAN_BADI_01
BadI Implementation: Y_EITAN_BADI_01_IMP_01
Implementing Class: Y_EITAN_BADI_01_IMP_01
No problem so far....
I created a test program Y_R_EITAN_TEST_51_18 .
FORM test_02 .
DATA: ob_y_eitan_badi_01 TYPE REF TO y_eitan_badi_01 .
GET BADI ob_y_eitan_badi_01 .
* Does not compile....
* Complain about: Method "SEND_MESSAGE" is unknown or PROTECTED or PRIVATE
CALL METHOD ob_y_eitan_badi_01->send_message
message = 'Hi there from test 02 .'.
ENDFORM . "test_02
I get this syntax message: Method "SEND_MESSAGE" is unknown or PROTECTED or PRIVATE
To verify that method "send_message" is public I have created this piece of code and it is
compiling and working with no problem.
As you can see I am using the interface and the class from the BadI .
FORM test_01 .
* A class that implement Y_EITAN_BADI_01_INT interface
DATA: ob_y_eitan_badi_01_imp_01 TYPE REF TO y_eitan_badi_01_imp_01 .
CREATE OBJECT ob_y_eitan_badi_01_imp_01 .
* Interface
DATA: ob_y_eitan_badi_01_int TYPE REF TO y_eitan_badi_01_int .
ob_y_eitan_badi_01_int ?= ob_y_eitan_badi_01_imp_01 .
CALL METHOD ob_y_eitan_badi_01_int->send_message
message = 'Hi there from test 01 .'.
ENDFORM . "test_01
Am I missing somthing here ?