Hi All,
I have a .Net screen where the user selects the prompts and then via open doc link all parameters are passed and crystal report is called.
The .Net screen captures logged-in user and passes the user ID as parameter to Crystal Report which in turn is passed to Oracle Store Procedure which then controls what data will be passed back to Crystal Report.
Question - If .Net passes user ID as parameter then when anyone who runs CR from BI launchpad they see an input prompt for User ID which is issue as anyone can type some other user ID and see other persons data.
How do I handle this situation?
Issue comes when someone runs the report directly from BI launch pad.
Is there a way I can check in CR if there was a user ID passed from .Net then use that else capture logged in user from BI launchpad and pass it or show is populated and disabled in user ID prompt so that no one can change it and it gets passed to backend?
I am using CR 2013 - designer for building report and .Net page has custom prompt screen and calls CR via open doc link