Hi Sriram,
I have pasted dev_rout file logs below.
SISEL_SEL_NT::select: of 5 sockets 1 selected
CONNECT request received (hdl 1)
NiIPeekListen: peek successful for hdl 1 / socket 1936 / socket -1
SetQoS not possible, no QoS Provider available
NiIInitSocket: set default settings for socket 1672
NiIAccept: connect from: host, port B5.27/46375, fam 2 (low adr..high adr)
NiCreateHandle: state hdl 20 / socket 1672 NI_INITIAL
nilh-localCheck: using local address list
NiIAccept: took local port 0C.E3/3299
NiSetStat: state hdl 20 NI_CONNECTED
NiIBlockMode: switch off block-mode for hdl 20 / socket 1672
NiBufHdlInit: BufInit for hdl 20
NiSetSO_KeepAlive: set option SOL_SOCKET-SO_KEEPALIVE of hdl 20 / socket 1672
NiRConnHandle: saving maximal message length 8388608 for C18
NiBufSetParamEx: maximal message length 10024
nihsl-getHostName: found address in cache
NiRConnHandle: C18 has hdl 20
NiRConnHandle: stat of C18 is CONNECTED
RTPENDLIST::addPendingCon(): Added C18/C- to list CONNECTED, STAT CONNECTED / -
RTPENDLIST::addPendingCon(): total 3 pending connections
******* NI-ROUTER LOOP ********
SISEL_SEL_NT::select: of 6 sockets 1 selected
NiIRead: read 82, 1 packs, MESG_IO, hdl 20, data complete
DATA from C18 ( received
NiRClientHandle: route received
executing NiRExRouteCon
NiRRouteRepl: Copying Input to route and replacing Name
C18 has NI-layer-version 40
NiIIrouteToTable result from total 3 entries:
hostname /service / /sapdp99 /3301
nihsi-getHostAddr: hostname '' = addr
nihsl-getServNo: found servicename 'sapdp99' in cache
nihsi-getServNo: servicename 'sapdp99' = port 0C.E3/3299
nilh-localCheck: using local address list
NiLocalCheck: address is not local
Setting outgoing SNC name to 'p:CN=sapserv2, OU=SAProuter, O=SAP, C=DE'
route [ 0,1 hops, to, 3299 ]
matches [ P255,255 3299 ]
NiCreateHandle: state hdl 21 / socket -1 NI_INITIAL
NiIBlockMode: switch off block-mode for hdl 21 / socket -1
NiLowLevCon: connect to: host, port 0C.E3/3299, fam 2 (low adr..high adr)
NiIInitSocket: set default settings for socket 1684
NiISocket: hdl 21 got socket 1684
NiPConnect: connect in progress
nihsl-getServName: found port number 0C.E3/3299 in cache
nihsi-getServName: port 0C.E3/3299 = servicename 'sapdp99'
NiSetStat: state hdl 21 NI_CONN_WAIT
NiBufHdlInit: BufInit for hdl 21
<<- SncSessionInit()==SAP_O_K
out: &snc_hdl = 002F7478
<<- SncSetQOP()==SAP_O_K
in: qop values = "min=8 (default), max=8 (default), use=8 (default)"
resulting = "min=2 (old:2), max=3 (old:3), use=3 (old:3)"
<<- SncSessionInitiatorAK()==SAP_O_K
'target_acl_key' (addr=00D5F4E8, len=86) full hexdump
0x00000 00030401 00080606 2b240301 25010000 ........ +$..%...
0x00010 00443042 310b3009 06035504 06130244 .D0B1.0. ..U....D
0x00020 45310c30 0a060355 040a1303 53415031 E1.0...U ....SAP1
0x00030 12301006 0355040b 13095341 50726f75 .0...U.. ..SAProu
0x00040 74657231 11300f06 03550403 13087361 ter1.0.. .U....sa
0x00050 70736572 7632 pserv2
parses to = "p:CN=sapserv2, OU=SAProuter, O=SAP, C=DE"
->> SncProcessOutput(snc_hdl=002F7478, ibuf=00000000, ilen=0,
&idone=00D5C973, &obuf=00D5C964, &oused=00D5C968)
<<- SncProcessOutput()==SAP_O_K
return values = "(no data) in=0 of 0, out=1523"
NiSendMsg: send ni-opcode 70 to hdl 21 (buflen 1523)
nihsl-getServName: found port number 0C.E3/3299 in cache
nihsi-getServName: port 0C.E3/3299 = servicename 'sapdp99'
handshake for hdl 21 = 1
RTPENDLIST::addPendingCon(): Added C18/C19 to list ROUTED, STAT ROUTE_RECV / FREE
RTPENDLIST::addPendingCon(): total 4 pending connections
NiSetSO_KeepAlive: set option SOL_SOCKET-SO_KEEPALIVE of hdl 21 / socket 1684
C19 has hdl 21
forward route to nirouter
nihsl-getServName: found port number 0C.E3/3299 in cache
nihsi-getServName: port 0C.E3/3299 = servicename 'sapdp99'
NiBufPut: Added buffer 0022B998 to out-queue (hdl 21, 1 packets, heap 1868)
NiBufPut: Out-queue for hdl 21 down to 0 packets
stat of C18 / C19 is ROUTED
******* NI-ROUTER LOOP ********
SISEL_SEL_NT::select: of 7 sockets 1 selected
SiPeekPendConn: connection of socket 1684 established
NiLowLevCon: took local port 13.3F/4927
nilh-localCheck: using local address list
NiSetStat: state hdl 21 NI_CONNECTED
NiIWrite: write 1700, 1 packs, MESG_IO, hdl 21, data complete
Sun Oct 26 10:01:02 2014
SISEL_SEL_NT::select: of 7 sockets 1 selected
NiIRead: read 1668, 1 packs, MESG_IO, hdl 21, data complete
->> SncProcessInput(snc_hdl=002F7478, ibuf=0031EA30, ilen=1668, &obuf=00D5F9C0,
&olen=00D5F9CC, &backbuf=00D5F9C4, &backlen=00D5F9C8)
<<- SncProcessInput()==SAP_O_K
return values = "(no data) in=1668, back=118, out=0"
NiIWrite: write 118, 1 packs, MESG_IO, hdl 21, data complete
NiIPeek: peek for hdl 21 / socket 1684 timed out (r; 0)
SISEL_SEL_NT::select: of 7 sockets 1 selected
NiIRead: read 24, 1 packs, MESG_IO, hdl 21, data complete
->> SncProcessInput(snc_hdl=002F7478, ibuf=002F1500, ilen=24, &obuf=00D5F9C0,
&olen=00D5F9CC, &backbuf=00D5F9C4, &backlen=00D5F9C8)
<<- SncProcessInput()==SAP_O_K
return values = "(no data) in=24, back=0, out=0"
handshake for hdl 21 = 0
NiBufSetParam: hdl 21, set talkmode MESG_IO
->> SncProcessOutput(snc_hdl=002F7478, ibuf=0022B9C0, ilen=86,
&idone=00D5F983, &obuf=00D5F97C, &oused=00D5F978)
<<- SncProcessOutput()==SAP_O_K
return values = "(Privacy) in=86 of 86, out=161"
NiIWrite: write 161, 1 packs, MESG_IO, hdl 21, data complete
NiBufRemove: FREE out-queue (hdl 21, heap now 24)
SISEL_SEL_NT::select: of 7 sockets 1 selected
NiIRead: read 8, 1 packs, MESG_IO, hdl 21, data complete
NiProcMsg: NI_PONG received, check o.k.
DATA from C19 ( received
send PONG to C18
NiIWrite: write 8, 1 packs, MESG_IO, hdl 20, data complete
NiICheck: send NI_PONG to partner
NiBufSetParam: hdl 21, set talkmode ROUT_IO
NiBufSetParam: hdl 20, set talkmode ROUT_IO
NiBufSetParamEx: maximal message length 8388608
stat of C18 / C19 is LOGGED_IN
******* NI-ROUTER LOOP ********
SISEL_SEL_NT::select: of 7 sockets 1 selected
NiIRead: read 64, 1 packs, ROUT_IO, hdl 20, data complete
DATA from C18 ( received
Sending 64 bytes to C19
->> SncProcessOutput(snc_hdl=002F7478, ibuf=0030CFC0, ilen=64,
&idone=00D5FA53, &obuf=00D5FA48, &oused=00D5FA44)
<<- SncProcessOutput()==SAP_O_K
return values = "(Privacy) in=64 of 64, out=136"
NiIWrite: write 136, 1 packs, ROUT_IO, hdl 21, data complete
******* NI-ROUTER LOOP ********
SISEL_SEL_NT::select: of 7 sockets 1 selected
NiIRead: read 136, 1 packs, ROUT_IO, hdl 21, data complete
->> SncProcessInput(snc_hdl=002F7478, ibuf=0030C188, ilen=136, &obuf=00D5F9C0,
&olen=00D5F9CC, &backbuf=00D5F9C4, &backlen=00D5F9C8)
<<- SncProcessInput()==SAP_O_K
return values = "(Privacy) in=136, back=0, out=64"
DATA from C19 ( received
Sending 64 bytes to C18
NiIWrite: write 64, 1 packs, ROUT_IO, hdl 20, data complete
******* NI-ROUTER LOOP ********
SISEL_SEL_NT::select: of 7 sockets 1 selected
NiIRead: read 348, 1 packs, ROUT_IO, hdl 20, data complete
DATA from C18 ( received
Sending 348 bytes to C19
->> SncProcessOutput(snc_hdl=002F7478, ibuf=0030C240, ilen=348,
&idone=00D5FA53, &obuf=00D5FA48, &oused=00D5FA44)
<<- SncProcessOutput()==SAP_O_K
return values = "(Privacy) in=348 of 348, out=426"
NiIWrite: write 426, 1 packs, ROUT_IO, hdl 21, data complete
******* NI-ROUTER LOOP ********
SISEL_SEL_NT::select: of 7 sockets 1 selected
NiIRead: read 152, 1 packs, ROUT_IO, hdl 21, data complete
->> SncProcessInput(snc_hdl=002F7478, ibuf=0030C3D0, ilen=152, &obuf=00D5F9C0,
&olen=00D5F9CC, &backbuf=00D5F9C4, &backlen=00D5F9C8)
<<- SncProcessInput()==SAP_O_K
return values = "(Privacy) in=152, back=0, out=80"
DATA from C19 ( received
Sending 80 bytes to C18
NiIWrite: write 80, 1 packs, ROUT_IO, hdl 20, data complete
******* NI-ROUTER LOOP ********
SISEL_SEL_NT::select: of 7 sockets 1 selected
NiIRead: read 621, 1 packs, ROUT_IO, hdl 20, data complete
DATA from C18 ( received
Sending 621 bytes to C19
->> SncProcessOutput(snc_hdl=002F7478, ibuf=0030C498, ilen=621,
&idone=00D5FA53, &obuf=00D5FA48, &oused=00D5FA44)
<<- SncProcessOutput()==SAP_O_K
return values = "(Privacy) in=621 of 621, out=698"
NiIWrite: write 698, 1 packs, ROUT_IO, hdl 21, data complete
******* NI-ROUTER LOOP ********
SISEL_SEL_NT::select: of 7 sockets 1 selected
NiIRead: read 810, 1 packs, ROUT_IO, hdl 21, data complete
->> SncProcessInput(snc_hdl=002F7478, ibuf=0030C738, ilen=810, &obuf=00D5F9C0,
&olen=00D5F9CC, &backbuf=00D5F9C4, &backlen=00D5F9C8)
<<- SncProcessInput()==SAP_O_K
return values = "(Privacy) in=810, back=0, out=732"
DATA from C19 ( received
Sending 732 bytes to C18
NiIWrite: write 732, 1 packs, ROUT_IO, hdl 20, data complete
******* NI-ROUTER LOOP ********
Sun Oct 26 10:01:07 2014
SISEL_SEL_NT::select: of 7 sockets 0 selected
******* NI-ROUTER LOOP ********
Sun Oct 26 10:01:08 2014
SISEL_SEL_NT::select: of 7 sockets 1 selected
NiIRead: read 80, 1 packs, ROUT_IO, hdl 20, data complete
DATA from C18 ( received
Sending 80 bytes to C19
->> SncProcessOutput(snc_hdl=002F7478, ibuf=0030CA98, ilen=80,
&idone=00D5FA53, &obuf=00D5FA48, &oused=00D5FA44)
<<- SncProcessOutput()==SAP_O_K
return values = "(Privacy) in=80 of 80, out=152"
NiIWrite: write 152, 1 packs, ROUT_IO, hdl 21, data complete
******* NI-ROUTER LOOP ********
Sun Oct 26 10:01:47 2014
SISEL_SEL_NT::select: of 7 sockets 1 selected
DATA from C12 (erpqas.hrms.com) received
NiRCloseConn: closing C13
NiICloseHandle: shutdown and close hdl 14 / socket 1696
<<- SncSessionDone()==SAP_O_K
NiICloseHandle: shutdown and close hdl 15 / socket 1772
******* NI-ROUTER LOOP ********
Sun Oct 26 10:01:51 2014
SISEL_SEL_NT::select: of 5 sockets 1 selected
DATA from C6 (erpdev.hrms.com) received
NiRCloseConn: closing C7
NiICloseHandle: shutdown and close hdl 8 / socket 1744
<<- SncSessionDone()==SAP_O_K
NiICloseHandle: shutdown and close hdl 9 / socket 1816
******* NI-ROUTER LOOP ********
Sun Oct 26 10:03:23 2014
SISEL_SEL_NT::select: of 3 sockets 1 selected
DATA from C18 ( received
NiRCloseConn: closing C19
NiICloseHandle: shutdown and close hdl 20 / socket 1672
<<- SncSessionDone()==SAP_O_K
NiICloseHandle: shutdown and close hdl 21 / socket 1684
******* NI-ROUTER LOOP ********