hello emmanuel,
which browser do you use? we have implemented this note with internet explorer it works but not with chrome - the news get displayed in the tile, when navigating to the tile with chrome get an error "app cannot be started"
console writes this out:
2014-12-02 06:40:38 TypeError - undefined is not a function
core-min-0.js:91 2014-12-02 06:40:38 App konnte aufgrund eines internen Fehlers nicht gestartet werden - core-min-0.js:91 ucore-min-0.js:91 errorcore-min-3.js:31 errorcore-min-3.js:23 sap.ui.controller.openAppcore-min-1.js:29 a.publishcore-min-3.js:23 sap.ui.controller.openSomethingcore-min-0.js:21 pcore-min-0.js:32 rcore-min-0.js:32 t.fireWithcore-min-0.js:32 b.(anonymous function)NavTargetResolutionAdapter.js:2 (anonymous function)abap.js:26 sap.ui2.srvc.callODataWrapper.js:2 qcore-min-2.js:50 (anonymous function)core-min-2.js:50 p9abap.js:2 E.dispatchabap.js:2 XMLHttpRequest.handleEventabap.js:2 h
maybe do you have a hint for me, error-solving in this environment is not the easiest thing *g*
we have ui SP10
best regards