We started Seeing some performance issues while replicating table from our ECC to HANA using SLT. The logging table shows 28 M records, but when I check the table in HANA, its loading 5K records every few seconds. I checked the Latency for this table in LTR and see that Latency Max is "3 days". So the Logging table has records from the past three days.
I ran the stats on ECC system and still of no use. So how do I check where the problem is. Can we increase the Packet size. How do we check the Performance of this load. Also is there a place where I can check how many records being loaded to HANA. I did the Table health check from Expert Function and it seems to be fine.
I have total of 21 WP and out of which 10 are defined for the data loads.
Mahesh Shetty