Thank you for the explanation, Karri, but I am already aware that multiple entries can be created in MVKE for the same material. When the MM01 is saved, workflow is started which is one instance. If it is possible to access the values that were entered in the parameters I referred to in my screenshot in my earlier post, then the logic would pick one record in the table. What I am asking is if there is a way to access the values that were entered in the parameter screen so I can use them in this statement in the virtual attribute for the BO?
Select single vkorg into lv_vkorg
from MVKE
where matnr = (material number for this work item stored in the workflow container)
and vkorg = (value entered on parameter screen in MM01)
and vtweg = (value entered on parameter screen in MM01).
If it is not possible to access those values and that is what you are saying, then I agree with you.