I am trying to update Solman 7.0 EHP1 SPS 20 to SPS 30 - Dual stack - using SUM.
I am stuck at the step 5.3 Configuration in the Java Stack.
The message states " An error has occurred during the execution of the Validate queue step. Checking of deployment queue completed with error. java.lang.NullPointerException:"
But there are no further details.
here are the contents of /usr/sap/SPR/SUM/sdt/log/SUM/VALIDATE-QUEUE_04.LOG from my system:
# more /usr/sap/SPR/SUM/sdt/log/SUM/VALIDATE-QUEUE_04.LOG
<!--HELP[Manual modification of the header may cause parsing problem!]/-->
<!--FORMATTER[com.sap.tc.logging.TraceFormatter(%d [%6s]: %m)]/-->
Dec 6, 2013 8:45:36 PM [Info ]: Validating Java development components...
Dec 6, 2013 8:46:53 PM [Error ]: The following problem has occurred during step execution: com.sap.sdt.jspm.service.Jspm
ServiceException: Checking of deployment queue completed with error.
Java Trouble Ticket is:
[-] Trouble Ticket / CSS Message Text
Expand this section for further troubleshooting details.
The Trouble Ticket (and this Process Report) can be used when creating a customer message.
Trouble Ticket Java
Trouble Ticket Report
SID................: SPR
Hostname...........: naksprd1
Install directory..: /usr/sap/SPR
SUM directory......: /usr/sap/SPR/SUM/sdt
Database...........: ORA
Operating System...: UNX
JDK version........: 1.6.0_31 SAP AG
Source release.....: n/a
Target release.....: 7.01
ABAP stack present.: true
An error has occurred during the execution of the Validate queue step with action configure. Service com.sap.sdt.jspm.service.JspmService failed with the following message:
Checking of deployment queue completed with error.
You can find more information in the files /usr/sap/SPR/SUM/sdt/log/SUM/VALIDATE-QUEUE_04.LOG and ProcessOverview.html.
Use the information provided to trouble-shoot the problem. There might be an OSS note providing a solution to this problem. Search for OSS notes with the following search terms:
SUM,configure,create-queue,validate-queue,com.sap.sdt.jspm.service.JspmService,class com.sap.sdt.jspm.service.JspmServiceException
Can someone please advise, where else can I see the error. why the que is not being validating, any other pointers?