Hi Rohit,
Yes you can use it, no problem.
able1 : fsh_bdbs
Table2: fsh_req_sto_v
The problem is with the highlighted field.
SELECT * FROM fsh_bdbs as al INTO tale it_bdbs
where aufnr = '4500000214'.
select * from fsh_req_sto_v into table
ct_workbench_1 for all entries in it_bdbs
where ebeln = it_bdbs-aufnr and
ebelp = posnr+1(5).
select * from fsh_bdbs as al INNER JOIN fsh_req_sto_v as r on al~aufnr = r~ebeln and r~ebelp = al~posnr and al~etenr = r~etenr
into CORRESPONDING FIELDS OF TABLE ct_workbench_1 WHERE al~aufnr = '4500000214'.