Hi Jamie...the presentation of the report is pushing me to this. Further, there are two subform tables linked to the main field tickets table - field_tickets_has_employees.field_tickets_id AND field_tickets_has_resources.field_tickets_id are both subforms joined to the main table field_tickets.field_tickets_id.
So, I can't join both of these tables straight up in the main sql query (I am using MySQL db) as it produces multiple records. I've tried grouping but it doesn't make sense because Crystal groups linearly and these two tables are completely separate.
Further, I break up the subform data within the report. For example, depending on the employee_roles_id I'll place some records from the field_tickets_has_employees table on the left side of the report and different employee_roles_id values will get placed somewhere on the right side of the report. Interspersed in there will be records from the field_tickets_has_resources table.
Make sense?