Hi All,
I have configured sender jms channel to extract RFH2 parameters from jms message to PI. But I am not getting the parameter value to PI and following are the communication channel monitoring entries in RWB..
Channel successfully processed the message 84b16230-d771-470b-1a51-a1fd07a6758c
The JMS property fileName that corresponds to the dynamic header DCJMSMessageProperty0 is missing from the JMS message
ID:414d5120514d44415452414430312020c0026854b2b9f320. Hence it cannot be added as a dynamic header to the XI message 84b16230-d771-470b-1a51-a1fd07a6758c
XI Message ID corresponding to JMS message with ID ID:414d5120514d44415452414430312020c0026854b2b9f320 will be created as a new
GUID with value 84b16230-d771-470b-1a51-a1fd07a6758c
How to solve out this issue and it seems I have done proper configuraitons in PI communication channel. Where the issue was? Any help would be great appreciated..
Thanking you all.
Best Regards,