Hi Andreas,
sure I added as a reference and it complies to .NET FW 4.0.It is: FirebirdSql.Data.FirebirdClient (
I can see its methods... etc.
But I am insecure because PB is offering in its ADO.NET part of the database painter no option to add a third-party ADO.NET provider. There is an 'utilities' item in the menu which just has no function.
So: Can I use third party native ADO.NET within PB? And how do I then call it? (I am afraid if this driver is not part of the ADONET DLL provided by PB I might not be able to declare: SQLCA="ADO.NET"
(PB used is 12.5.2/5583)
Anybody using 3rd party native ADO.NET drivers with PB?